Skyrim ps3 save file limit

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Active 5 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 3k times. Improve this question. I believe it keeps up to auto-saves Add a comment.

God dammit Bethesda. Each time the game saves, your file size increases. With out a hiccup. The further I get the more often it freezes but I'm playing patchless. Hope they get the second one out soon so when I go to my friends I can get that one as well. Aren't they prepping a patch for Skyrim?

Hopefully it addresses this problem. I can't wait to play it but, maybe I should wait until all of this dust settles. I'm not looking forward to buy a game that will not let me play past a certain point.

Yeah because if it doesn't happen to me, it doesn't happen to anyone! Mine is at 12 and the game only becomes choppy after about 3hrs with alot of fast travelling. Reloading fixes it. I've played for 52hrs and I have loved every second. I'm curious as to whether you're playing all that time on the same character or started multiple characters to try out different play styles. No, one character. If you don't believe me i'll pm you spoilers to some of the biggest questlines. I kid of course i'd never do that.

It's now 57 hrs. I don't have a job. Oh I totally believe you, I'm at 37 hours myself I just think I've had less time to play than you have, had to help a family member with some stuff and my friends dragged me out to watch a football match the other day too.

Morrowind on Xbox eventually became nearly unplayable :P Especially considering how often that game crashed and made you wait 50 trillion years to load again lol. Also consider that the world has about 3x as much content as Skyrim and that the only fundamental differences in the engine are rendering, physics and animation - 3 things that barely, if at all, affect save file sizes.

File was probably upwards of 50MB lol. Oblivion somehow avoided it though. I think it's probably RAM related console games are usually designed to only leave about MB of ram unused for spikes in system activity. Wasn't there a problem in blops if you had a huge friends list? Could be a similar issue. Its a ram issue, the problem is the game world doesn't refresh or reset like in Oblivion so all that junk just piles up making the game load every single object you have moved and NPC you have killed.

Reload your saved game. File size won't change, but the world is 'refreshed' since you started the game again. The same can be said about the version! Yesterday i had some problems performing the shouts while being attacked by 3 marauders.

I pressed the button a few times and nothing. I was dual wielding by the way. Switch off the PS3, switch it back on and load your game and that fixes the problem. Holding onto too much information I think when people play it for more than a couple of hours at a time.

Think about it: The position of dropped items, bodies etc. All that stuff is being stored in memory and not being released. Most of these framerate issues arise after playing the game for more than 2 or 3 hours straight. Switching off the game and the ps3 will clear this memory and free it up again.

Fast-travelling frequently will cause the memory to fill up faster also I have heard I don't think it's memory, but the game save file. Always keeping the same game file. Nothing worked I only ever played std. Had the same issue with vegas, but not with oblivion both on ps3 and waited ages for it to be fixed I really hope the same thing don't happen here, approaching 6mb.

My save is perfect so its all your faults. They never fixed it in fallout 3. On the forums they were jerks and never answered 1 post regarding the issue and just let it slide Im sad to hear skyrim have this problem too. Unfortunately this is true. I am 8mb in, and every time I kill a dragon the game freezes when it combusts.

Bethesda will just sweep this under the radar because it is not effecting all ps3's. Yesterday mine was so choppy it was nearly unplayable ps3 g fatboy. I had 5 different save files so I deleted 4 and kept Now I just need to delete all the old saves and test saves actually start playing.

Saved Data rose back up to ish from all the test saves. MetalZoic 3 years ago Holy hell that's a lot Why so many? I don't keep more than 2 or 3 main saves, plus the 3 autos and single quick save.

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Im trying to play 3 different charecters but if I go through a dugeon the autosaves overwrite my other charecters. How can I incease my max number of saves to or more. Please for the love of all that is good in this world dont post if you dont have useful info, no onewants to read 27 "I dont knows" or " I have saves" doesnt help and no one cares.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments. You can have as many "manual" saves as you want. Just click on the "New Save" at the top of the save menu. Just trying to clarify.

You can only make 12 hard saves? The other thing is that autosaves will always overright the last autosave.


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