Sims 2 public woohoo help

A male between the ages of young adult and elder can impregnate a female. Without cheats, male Sims can only be impregnated by aliens. However, if FreeTime or later is installed, any Sim who has Knowledge as their primary aspiration, and who has enough lifetime aspiration points, can choose Summon aliens as an aspiration benefit. A Sim with this benefit can use any telescope to attempt to summon aliens, and will have a higher chance of being abducted.

Therefore, an adult male Sim with this benefit can, more or less, try for an alien-hybrid baby. In The Sims Medieval , Woohoo between two Sims of the opposite gender always carries a chance of pregnancy.

As WooHoo is considered to be a romantic interaction, Sims who witness their loved ones engaging in WooHoo with another Sim will always get jealous , resulting in a significant drop in relationship with both Sims. In The Sims 2 , WooHoo will trigger jealousy if the witnessing Sim is on the same lot where the WooHoo is taking place, even if they are not in the same room. Note: when referring to trying for a baby, the table only states the possibilities for the interaction.

As with all other romantic interactions, blood relatives and teens and younger are automatically prevented from WooHooing although there are hacks that allow both groups to do this, with the exception of Sims younger than teen.

In The Sims 4 , teens are able to "mess around" with other teens, an implication of WooHoo. The differences are that teens will not get a WooHoo-specific moodlet and they will not change to sleepwear when they mess around on a bed, though on the stats section of the Simology menu, messing around counts towards the statistic for times Woohooed.

Because of its wide-ranging implications, WooHoo is generally not an autonomous interaction. This allows Sims to WooHoo and even try for a baby on their own, though the player can still forbid the latter if they want. Another mod on Simbology allows same-sex couples to try for a baby; the Sim that initiates the action will be considered the "mother. Pets can WooHoo in order to breed producing a litter of up to four puppies or kittens , but they require a Sim that has a good relationship with at least one of the pets to direct them, and the pets obviously must have a good relationship.

The gestation period is approximately 72 game hours, just like Sims. If a pet has a poor relationship with the other pet, they will reject the interaction.

In The Sims 4 , WooHoo between elders that does not go very well has a chance to give the "Dangerously Tired" moodlet. When the Sims WooHoo again with the moodlet, they will die from overexertion. Sims will get dirty if they WooHoo with low hygiene in The Sims 4. This was formerly the only WooHoo interaction. This article, while not grossly sexually explicit, does deal with adult themes involving sexual activity. If you have a problem with these themes, please click here to view another page on The Sims Wiki.

Missing information. So start those romantic interactions! First, flirt a little. Maybe offer a massage. Then move onto a kiss or a cuddle if you're already in bed. A more heated kiss is a helpful followup. Track what the non-active Sim thinks of your Sim's attempts by looking to the upper left-hand corner of the screen. You may see that she or he thinks your Sim is being flirty, alluring, or even irresistible. You'll also be able to tell if the fire isn't hot enough yet.

Keep in mind that repeating the same action over and over will result in a loss of relationship points or at least in the other Sim finding your Sim boring! When you think it's time, click on the location in which you want your Sims to WooHoo and go for it! First, your Sim must tour the location with his or her date, however; then while they are both inside the selected building, you can click on it for the option to WooHoo if the relationship is high enough.

The option to WooHoo in a tent or have a tent at all! The classic. Any adult from young to elder Sim can WooHoo in this most traditional some might save vanilla of locations, the bed. It has its benefits, of course, such as the after-nap! Another World Adventures addition is WooHoo in a sarcophagus, for the more morbidly inclined Sims and players.

The Sims time machine came with the Ambitions expansion pack and offers up the ability for your Sims to "get it on" in this object of their own invention. Another classic! We've seen hot tub WooHoo before, back in The Sims 2. This time hot tubs come with the Late Night expansion pack. Unlock an actor trailer in The Sims 3 : Late Night by reaching level 10 of the acting branch of the Film career. Go for a classic shower WooHoo in "The Sims 3. Only an option with Generations installed. Keep in mind it has to specifically be a "haystack" and not just a little barrel of hay.

Hay comes into The Sims via Pets. Get the photo booth with The Sims 3 : Showtime. Don't worry, it won't take any naughty photos. If a Sim is in the friend zone, even user-directed ACR interactions are disabled. Think Alexander and Dina after Mortimer dies. I rarely ever use this since I find my Sims try for baby on their own or I end up with risky babies enough already. But if I ever direct them to woohoo — such as on their wedding night — I will use this option to give them the choice.

All the other interactions are pretty self-explanatory. Add more drama and romance to Sims 2 with ACR. The older they are, the less fertile they will be and the lower the chances of pregnancy. Allows Sims to woohoo on the sofa! Spawn ACR by clicking on the active Sim. To change settings, just click on the adjuster and a menu will appear. Click on the adjuster to get the ACR menu.

Adjuster This menu allows you to change the appearance of the adjuster or delete the adjuster. ACR token stats for Juliette Capp. These will override global defaults but not global overrides. If static, their settings stay the same. I recommend leaving this on dynamic to allow your Sim to change over time. Woohoo is Allowed — Allows you to choose if this Sim is allowed to autonomously woohoo.

Booty Calls are Allowed — Allows you to choose if this Sim is allowed to make booty calls. Required Relationship — Allows you to set the required short-term and long-term relationship score needed for casual woohoo to be successful for this Sim.

I like to let them do what they want. No Jealousy — Turn off jealousy for this Sim. Married Only — The Sim will only be jealous toward their spouse. In Love — The Sim will get jealous toward any Sim they are in love with. Crush — Normal Maxis jealousy; The Sim will get jealous toward any Sim they have a crush or higher with. The One Sim is who your Sim currently has the hots for as shown in the token stats menu.

This is also the Sim your Sim will choose for a booty call. If set to dynamic, The One Sim is recalculated every hour. If static, their One Sim remains the same. I recommend leaving this on dynamic to allow your Sim to change who they have the hots for over time. Choose a Neighbor — Allows you to manually choose who your Sim has the hots for from a list of Sims in the neighborhood. Set to Sim Name — If there is another suitable Sim on the current lot, you may see their name in the menu and you can select them directly.

In this case, dress means what your Sim wears when they woohoo. If a Sim has a dynamic setting, their settings are recalculated every day. Casual — The Sim will prefer casual or swimwear. Undies — The Sim will prefer underwear or swimwear. Nekkid — The Sim will prefer to woohoo naked. Pregnancy Odds — Leads to another sub-menu that allows you to choose pregnancy odds settings for a specific Sim.

If dynamic, their settings are recalculated every day. Change Odds — Manually change pregnancy odds for this specific Sim.

This will set a constant percentage chance of a Sim getting pregnant from Try For Baby. Change Risky Odds — Allows you to change the risky woohoo percentage for this particular Sim. Birth Control is Off — Allows you to place this Sim on birth control.

When on birth control, a Sim cannot get other Sims pregnant or get pregnant themselves — except through risky woohoo. In my gameplay rules , if a Sim has the fear of having a baby, I place them on birth control. A Sim can still get other Sims pregnant, but cannot get pregnant themselves. Ideal Family Size — Allows you to set the ideal number of children for this particular Sim. If set, this number is used in the Try for Baby calculations.

The cheating options are not dynamic even if the menu says they are. If you manually set them, you need to change the setting to static or else they will change back. Hood-Wide Settings Hood-Wide settings are settings that affect the entire neighborhood.

Default is obviously enabled.


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