Real-time feedback like what the ScanGauge provides is one of the most effective. With five built-in trip computers, the ScanGauge can keep track of everything from fuel cost to distance traveled and everything in between.
Data is stored on the ScanGauge and is retained even when the power is disconnected. Each trip computer starts automatically and information is available anytime during the trip. The ScanGauge includes two trip computers based on the current tank of fuel. They include the Current Tank and Tank to Empty. Each trip computer starts automatically when you tell the ScanGauge you have filled your tank. The ScanGaugeD will automatically start recording when it detects change in speed.
Once the ScanGauge begins recording, it will display your time and speed in real-time. You can stop the recording at any time by pressing the STOP button. Using the internet or repair manuals, these can be translated to the failed component and repairs can be made. Data captured when the Trouble Code was set can be recalled to help troubleshoot the problems was the temperature hot or cold, speed high or low, etc.
The ScanGaugeD can be used to clear the trouble codes and data which will turn off the warning lamp. ScanGauge products are available all over the web. Click here to view a list and choose an authorized online retailer for the best deals. ScanGauge is available worldwide in local shops and stores. Search for a location near you that offers the ScanGauge and pick one up today! Buy your ScanGauge directly from Linear Logic.
We offer a variety of packages from single units to combo packs and ScanGauge Accessories. Where to Buy. Affordable Compatibility in a Compact Design Unlike gas powered vehicle, OBDII is not the standard for large diesel powered vehicles such as diesel pusher RVs and over-the-road long-haul trucks — these type of vehicles rely on the J and J protocols.
Dual Compatibility The ScanGaugeD works with most and newer large diesel over-the-road vehicles. No Batteries Required The single connection to the diagnostic connector under the dashboard is all that is needed. Automatic Protocol Determination ScanGauge automatically determines the protocol your vehicle uses and connects. User-Friendly Menu-Driven Operation Simple 5-button operation allows you to quickly and easily access the powerful features of the ScanGauge.
Color Backlight Display Match your instrument panel for an integrated look. Learn to Improve Your Gas Mileage. Automatic Trip Computers With five built-in trip computers, the ScanGauge can keep track of everything from fuel cost to distance traveled and everything in between. Available Performance Data Parameters Parameters Description Time The amount of elapsed time at each data point from the beginning of the Performance Run to the end of the run Speed The speed of the vehicle at each data point Distance The total distance traveled at data point Monitored Gauge Use the Monitor Function to select a built-in digital gauge to monitor.
Data will be recorded for the selected gauge. The surface there is smooth so the Velcro tabs will hold on securely. Yes, it does require a change of line of vision but I can live with that. I believe another option would be to mount it up near the rear view mirror.
That is another good option but as we have a dash-cam there already, this was not an option for us. In the images below, you can see where I routed the data cable. In the Cruiser this is dead easy as there is no requirement to remove panels or trim. This meant the installation took no longer than 10 minutes.
The various options are:. Setting up the ScanGauge could not be easier. The menu is quite intuitive and with the assistance of the user manual, you can get up and running in no time. Note that you have to do a calibration of the fuel tank over 2 separate fills to obtain accurate data on fuel availability and use. One of the options that needs to be set is the type of fuel. It may also me necessary to calibrate the speed readings. I did this with the aid of a GPS and found that it was pretty much spot on.
You will also need to program one of the X-Gauges basically a user configurable data reading from one of the non-standard sensor outputs. This is extremely useful for you to select the correct gear manually for any given situation while towing a big load such as a 3. By selecting the correct gear, the torque converter can lock up and lower transmission temperatures thus lessening the chance of damaging the transmission itself. The codes for the LandCruiser Series Diesel are:.
The user community is extensive and getting assistance and information about its use on specific vehicles is as easy as a Google search.