Sas open excel file

The last step allows you to save the statements that SAS generates while executing the Import Wizard into an Editor file. This is recommended. This way you have the import steps saved, and you can go back and re-run it or modify it later if you need to. You can type the file directory directly into the text box, or click on Browse to locate a folder to save the program in. The last step is to click Finish. Clicking on the finish button was probably anticlimactic, because nothing seems to happen.

No data appears for you to see and enjoy; no Editor file appears for you to manipulate and play with. Remember the earlier tip to look at your Log window after you execute any statements in SAS. The Log window provides this Note statement that tells you your dataset was successfully created.

If there had been a problem with the import, a Warning or Error would have appeared instead. You will also probably want to look at your data to make sure everything looks right. You can view any of your SAS datasets by finding them in the Explorer window. In the Explorer window, double-click on Libraries to display the Libraries that are available in this session.

In this case, the imported dataset is in the temporary Work library, so double-click on Work. Locate the dataset icon and double-click on it. This will open your data to view in SAS. Finally, we might want to take a look at the statements generated from the Import Wizard.

The Import Wizard saved an Editor file, but it did not open it or append it to an already open Editor file. Locate the directory that you told the Import Wizard to save your Editor file to, highlight the file and click Open.

It should look like something similar to below. Note the first semicolon is not until the third line. The rest of the lines are statements with further information for SAS — you might recognize these from the list produced after clicking on the Options button in the Import Wizard. If any of your variables were misread, you may need to use an alternative method to read the data. If you've tried to use the Import Wizard to import an Excel file into SAS and have seen the following error message in the Log window:.

The most likely reason you may see this error is because you have a bit version of SAS 9. If this is happening, then you most likely will not be able to use the Import Wizard to import Excel files into SAS; you'll have to use an alternative method. At this point, the entire workbook is in a SAS library, but we need to get the data out of a specific sheet before we can use it.

In the subsequent data step block, we create a dataset called "sample" in the work library, which is cloned from the sheet named "Sample Dataset " in our Excel file.

Note that in the SET statement, the n before the semicolon is not a typo. If you really want to continue with DDE, read your code line by line. You'll see the line below:. I recommend reading the documentation so you know what each of those options is doing.

Running code you don't understand can be a quick way to making big mistakes. Additionally, you can just run the command below, in a brand new SAS session, to see if Excel opens. Basically I have many files in a folder, and each file has two columns: a variable y and variable x.

What I would like to do is for each file to make a regression and plot the y vs x, and then resend the folder by email. Please don't re-open an old thread for a new question.

I would agree with Reeza here. DDE is not a good approach, in some circumstances it doesn't work at all. If its simply importing a file, use proc import. However, why do you have many Excel files, with a tiny bit of data in each? It sounds to me like the first thing which has gone wrong in your problem here is the data transfer. Where does the data come from, i. It just looks like whoereve supplied the file has gone out their way to make the data hard to access.

You do need to import the data from all of the files, run your regression, obtain your output and send that by email. Strictly speaking, by adding additional quotes ' ' I managed to open my Excel file with command prompt, so this would answer my question the way that I formulated it in the description. But in reality it is much wiser to get the data into SAS and then work on it, instead of working in Excel and use SAS as an intermediary.

Calling all SAS users! We now have even more FREE knowledge journeys. Learn more. Choose Your Journey. This is because an invisible warning box of 'File is already open by other users.

You'll have to open it as read-only To solve it, simple do the following:. You do not have to open any excel file, not even the file contains data to be imported.

It sounds like after importing from the source file, SAS does not even bother to close it. Calling all SAS users! We now have even more FREE knowledge journeys. Learn more. Choose Your Journey. Sign In. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.

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