I don't share your experiences with RoboForm2Go. They have worked famously. As long as you click on the "Exit" menu item for RoboForm, it cleanly removes any pieces that it used on the host machine. My USB stick is almost exclusively filled with Open Source and other free applications, but I am happy to shell out a few bucks for RoboForm as it's never let me down.
There is no way for me to remember all of them and RoboForm manages them securely without the chance of my accounts being compromised. I also have numerous "safenotes" that I keep other private financial and personal data and I can take it around with me knowing that it is entirely secure even if I lose my stick. Since RoboForm decrypts in memory RAM there is never a chance that an unencrypted form or your note is written to the host systems hard disk.
As a big fan and user of open source software, I hardily endorse paying for RoboForm2Go as an addition to your portable applications. I'll give 'er a go. I'm currently running Grafpup off a CD. I just looked for the file you mentioned, found it, and opened it up: Sho' 'nuff, it refers to RF2Go. So, I deleted it. It writes tons to your registry and does't do anything like cleaning on close.
And it destroys the settings of your local copy of AI RoboForm. Sorry, but I use both and don't have any problem maintaining separate settings for my fixed and 2Go installations. RF2Go does leave PortableRoboform. If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort, and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort, then the socket packet pocket has an error to report. Skip to main content. Log in or register to post comments.
Last post. July 23, - am. Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago. Joined: Most synchronization software claim to synchronize your files, but many simply copy from place to place. GoodSync offers true bi-directional synchronization, which prevents deletion of files and data loss.
In turn, the USB Key can be synchronized with a laptop, allowing the user to keep files current on both devices. Any information that is dropped into a synchronized folder will immediately be updated when the USB Key is inserted into the synchronized computer.
If you only use one main desktop computer, and you need strong password protection that will keep family users and guests from getting into your various accounts, you can use the free version of RoboForm. Your email address will not be published. Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.
You can also subscribe without commenting. We use affiliate links. If you buy something through the links on this page, we may earn a commission at no cost to you. Learn more. RoboForm2Go gives you the freedom and flexibility to carry all your passwords, contacts, and bookmarks, with you for use on any computer - anywhere in the world. Since RoboForm2Go runs directly from the USB drive, you can use it on any computer without leaving any personal data behind. You can enjoy RoboForm2Go worry free knowing that it encrypts your information with military level AES encryption to achieve complete security.
Download Specs Similar to 3. RoboForm2Go Download. Last updated:. February 19, Siber Systems. User rating:.