When all hope was lost, we turned to some Linux dd foo. All you need is a standard USB hub, dd , and some command line magic. If you are going to use an old hub you have laying around, you can skip this section. Otherwise, there are a few things you may want to consider if you are going to purchase a new hub: Number of ports This will vary depending on the size of your project.
As stated earlier, we have to duplicate or more USB sticks in a weekend, so for us… the more ports the better. This year, we went with a USB 3. Source: Amazon product page.
Source: Belkin F5U product page. Labels: ArtsNcrafts , foundstone , linux , training tips , usb thumb drive duplicate. Since USB drive is very small, they are inclined to go missing. To avoid data loss in these unexpected events, you can clone your USB drive as abackup copy. A clone is different than just copy and paste the files from one to another.
Simply copyingfiles may skip some crucial files, ending up the portable program corrupted or OSunbootable. A USB drive clone is much safer and quicker than just copy and paste. If youclone a bootable USB drive, the cloned one will remain bootable. When you see one of the USB hard drive failure symptoms, you should clone this drive toanother good working USB drive to replace it.
You can never be more careful about your data,so it always a good practice to have a backup or clone of your USB drive. To make sure all the data on the USB drive successfully cloned to another, you need to use aprofessional USB disk clone tool.
It is a free software that allows you to clone or backup bootable USB drive or other kindsof USB disks to different places such as another USB drive or internal hard drive. If you want an exact copy of the original USB drive, you can use the Sector by sector clone option toeven clone the unused space. You can also clone USB boot drive from large capacity to asmaller drive without the need to shrink the source drive.
USB drive is more and more widely used in our daily life recently. You can use USB flash drive to do a lot of things, such as run portable version of programs and games, try open-source operating system, create Windows recovery disk, create Windows installation media, data storage, etc.
Many users have one or more USB drives for a certain purpose due to its convenience and affordable price, and they would more likely to clone one USB stick to another in these situations:.
Clone for backup : USB drives are very small and inclined to go missing. Besides, USB flash drives are vulnerable to virus infection and human error due to lots of plug-ins and plug-outs. Upgrade failing USB drive : flash drives go bad eventually since they can only be used a finite number of times. If you encounter one of USB flash drive failure symptoms eject or mount failure, connection component failure, electronic component failure, NAND memory failure, etc.
It is strongly recommended to copy it to a new drive. Upgrade small bootable flash drive : some USB are used as bootable devices to boot up Windows. Step 3: Click Backup Options to have more settings. Click General to enable encryption for backup supported in Professional edition and enable email notification.
Click Compression to set compression level. If you want to make an exact backup, click Intelligent sector and tick Make an Exact Backup. While, if you only want to transfer data faster between USB drive and computer or between USB drives, USB drive clone is a better choice, and after clone, you can use the cloned one directly. Anyhow, whatever you choose, they are free to use.
You can restore system, disk, partition and files and folders. The paid edition even supports to restore to a dissimilar hardware computer. Why should you make a duplication of USB drive?