Copy the contents of the payloads folders from disk 2, 3, and 4 and paste them into the payloads inside the folder Adobe CS3 that was copied to the hard drive in step 1.
Replace the existing files when prompted to do so. At the command prompt, navigate to the directory Adobe CS3 created in step 1.
Press the Enter key to start the installer in full GUI mode. Enter the serial number, select the language for the applications, and select the application packages to install when prompted to allow you to create custom install and remove XML. Once the install GUI finishes, click the [record] Install button to complete the record process.
Copy the files install. You may be prompted to allow the uninstaller to proceed. The installer prompts you to confirm that you want to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app. Review the message and select Uninstall. The uninstaller removes the app from your computer and displays a confirmation message. Select Close. Download and install the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Double-click the installer file Creative Cloud Uninstaller. Depending upon your security settings, you may receive a warning to open the uninstaller from the mounted DMG file.
Select Open to continue. You can pick the executable from any machine which has the latest Creative Cloud desktop app installed. The executable is located at:. However, some items are the same across different versions of Creative Suite so if you are removing an older version but have a newer version installed that you wish to keep specific items not to be removed will be noted in red. Their locations can be found in this article. Backing Up Your Computer You should always back up your computer before deleting software.
If a listed item isn't on your hard disk, don't worry, ignore it and skip to the next step. Restart your computer and login using an adminstrator account. If you manually removed a CS3 edition or application by deleting their folders and you can't reinstall the applications, run the Adobe CS5 Cleaner Tool.
Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Creative Suite. The uninstaller removes everything installed by Adobe Creative Suite 3.